Toyota dethrones Volkswagen to become world’s biggest car manufacturer

Toyota rated world's greenest carmaker_istock

Toyota is the best-selling car manufacturer in the world once again, reclaiming the position from the Volkswagen Group after a stellar showing in 2020.

Toyota edged Volkswagen, selling 9.5-million vehicles across the globe in 2020, according to figures released on Thursday, January 28. For contrast, Volkswagen sold 9.3-million units in the previous year, according to CNN.

However, it seems unlikely that Toyota will hold the title for long – there’s been a merry-go-round in recent years with the top motor manufacturers all having a turn.

In 2013, Toyota unseated American giant General Motors (GM) after outselling them. Two years later, in 2015, Volkswagen gained ground on the Japanese company but Toyota managed to hold onto their position until 2017 when it was eventually replaced by the German firm.

There probably won’t be any celebrations as the car industry is still in a dire position because of the instability created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the good news, Toyota deliveries declined by 11.3% in 2020 compared to the previous year while Volkswagen was even worse-hit, declining by 15.2%.

Picture: Women on Wheels Gallery